Wrinkle Relaxers

smooth, refresh, renew


Discover the magic of modern age-defiance with Botox®, Xeomin®, and Dysport®. These renowned wrinkle relaxers are the heroes behind countless refreshed and youthful appearances.

Each of these treatments works wonders by gently relaxing specific facial muscles, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. While they all share a common goal, Botox®,

Xeomin®, and Dysport® have their unique properties, ensuring a tailored approach to your aesthetic desires. Whether you're looking to soften crow's feet, smooth forehead lines, or give those pesky frown lines a little time off, these trusted brands offer precision, safety, and results. Embrace the blend of science and beauty, and let your skin reflect the ageless spirit within!

Prices start here and vary depending on facial muscle strength, and product used. Amount of units required and price determined at consultation

Botox/Xeomin ®

  • Up to 20 units: $17.50 per unit
  • 21 to 40 units: $16.40 per unit
  • 41 to 60 units: $15.38 per unit

Dysport ®

  • Up to 50 units: $6.50 per unit
  • 51 to 75 units: $6.15 per unit
  • 76 to 130 units: $5.43 per unit

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The before & after

get your skin manage and maintained for the long term

Pricing Plans... to make it easy

If you truly cherish your skin and want it to shine for years to come, why not consider regular treatments?

It's like giving your skin a little TLC!

Pop by our clinic, and I'd love to chat about the best options for you.

*Our payment plans include a 1% + $0.40 transaction fee, a $6.90 setup cost, and a $6.90 late payment fee.


  • What are wrinkle relaxers?

    Wrinkle relxaers are a cosmetic treatment that target the muscles contributing to fine lines and the formation of wrinkles, in order to smooth, rejuvenate and slow down the signs of aging.

    Wrinkle relaxers contain an ingredient called Botulinum Toxin which works by blocking the signal from the nerve to the treated muscle. As the underlying muscle can no longer tighten and contract as forcefully, you are left with smoother and less wrinkled overlying skin. In addition to the initial improvement in skin texture, wrinkle relaxer treatments are effective in preventing the further development of crease lines and wrinkles appearing as you age.

  • Who cannot have the treatment

    You can't have antiwrinkle treatments while you are breastfeeding or pregnant. There are some other medical conditions that may make you unsuitable for treatment. If you are unsure you will meet the criteria you can book in for a complimentary consult.

  • How long does the treatment take to work?

    There is a gradual onset where you may begin to notice a slight improvement 1-3 days after your treatment but will take 2 weeks to reach its’ full effect.

  • What areas can be treated?

    • Forehead
    • Frown lines
    • Crow's Feet
    • Brow Lift

    We can also treat other advanced areas which can be discussed during your consultation.

  • Do you treat wrinkles on the cheeks?

    If lines and wrinkles high up on the cheekbone are caused by the lower fibres of the muscle around the eye (Orbicularis oculi) they are considered to be crow’s feet and can be improved with anti-wrinkle injections. If they are caused by the cheekbone muscle (Zygomaticus), they do not respond well to anti-wrinkle injections and trying to treat them can result in an uneven smile. If related to underlying volume loss, then dermal fillers will improve these lines. 

  • How can wrinkle relaxers treat excessive sweating?

    Hyperhidrosis is a condition that is characterised by sweating or perspiration in excess of the normal needs of the body. There are two kinds, primary and secondary. Primary is usually dues to family history, secondary is usually the result of an underlying medical condition.

    Botulinum Toxin A works by blocking acetylcholine- a chemical messenger from the central nervous system that directs the glands to produce sweat.

    When used to treat underarm excessive sweating, Botulinum Toxin A has been shown to result in an 82-87% decrease in sweating.

  • How long does the treatment last?

    Muscle movement will be very slowly returning over time following treatment and a full dose will generally last anywhere from 3-4 months but in some cases, longevity can be shorter or longer than this. This can vary depending on:

    Individual customer factors (metabolism of product/ strength of the muscle in the treatment area)

    The area and type of muscle that has been treated (e.g. frown will often last longer than forehead in many individuals)

    The dose administered (results will wear off more quickly if a lighter dose is used for a very natural effect)

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